Thursday, 4 November 2010


I really want a cape, however capes are expensive. And capes should come with REAL leather thigh high boots, which I also can't afford.

So when I stumbled across this for £36, you'd understand why I experienced joy:

Until I realised that it was made of wool and up-close, wasn't fantastic.

Moral of the short story: you can't get popular items for cheap no matter how hard you try. Unless they're second hand.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

No money and 21st birthdays

It's like I'm selling to survive! Student loans always come a few weeks too late for me. I've run out of money just before my best friend's 21st. THANKFULLY I've got her present, which I'm sure she will love. She's not a girly girl and I depsise boring presents so I bought her a collection of random shiz:

Back to having to sell EVERYTHING - I have to get rid of these pretty shoes on Ebay so recently after my DMs were sold. It hurts my soul. Here they are!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

R.I.P Beautiful Boots!

I'm selling my DMs. It's a sad day, but I'm completely broke.


Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Hello. It's been a WHILE.

It's finally Spring and my wardrobe has been taken over by neutrals, pinks and baby blues. These colours put me in high spirits, but put my bank account in red spirits. I definitely spend far too much money on clothing and it's gotten worse since I got myself a job in the concessions department of New Look! I feel sorry for my future husband - he really will have to be rich or deal with living in debt.

Spring also enspired me to get a new hair cut. Half my head is shaved and half is large, bush and curly. It's fun in the mornings when all I have to do is scrunch for about 2 minutes. I'll never miss the days of blow-drying and straightening for 45 minutes. Here, I'll show you:

Spring makes me happy :)

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Shoesies and true love.

I was going to post a picture of my new shosies but my webcam camera has decided to stop working (thank God I bought a new digital camera yesterday)! Probably because I drop my lappy t so much! The shoesies are bronze metallic brogues from New Look and I bought them for £3!

I am still the bargain queen :)

I am not the happiest ruler of bargain land though. I am very ill with some kind of chest infection/tummy ache and I have a whole load of work to do! I haven't been to Uni in 6 days and it feels like I'm going to end up being swamped. I hope not because the weekend ahead has many special plans and I don't want to end up having to do research instead.

This weekend is Valentine’s Day. I've never really been a fan and I've even hosted a whole day at my house for my friends called 'Anti-Valentine’s Day'. It was so much fun but this year I am spending it with my gorgeous boyfriend and his family. It happens to be his Mum's birthday two days before and because her husband is taking her to Rome as a present (very jealous!!!), we are celebrating her birthday on Sunday night. My boyfriend (Daniel) and I are in charge of preparation, so I know that I will end up buying crazy banners and flowers to decorate with. Excited! Oh, and many, many sparkly balloons! ANYWAY, Daniel and I haven't really got anything planned for ourselves and we've said "no presents" so I might get up really early and make him breakfast in bed :) I owe him so much and I don't mean money-wise. This is why I don't want to buy him anything. As Jimmy Eat World say - "This things you buy will someday leave you." Haha, how pretentious of me?

I hope everyone has a lovely Valentine’s Day :)

Monday, 8 February 2010

What's new in my wardrobe?

My friends say that I need shopping therapy. This is very true:

Naval officers and vodka.

So one of my close friends, Natasha, is turning 21 in a few weeks. My group of girlies and I are travelling to Oxford to celebrate and are all dressing up as something beginning with N. The obvious choices: nurse, naughty nurse, naughty sailor, nerd, ninja were all ones I thought lightly about, but then decided that I wanted to be a little bit different. So I've decided on 'naval officer'. This way, I can still look and feel good but not end up with the same costume as everyone else!

Here is my costume so far:

I found this fantastic hat on Ebay! I hope it fits on my oddly large head.

I also found this skirt on Ebay. GOD, I love it! Ebay, that is.

To add to the outfit I will also be wearing a white shirt, navy tie, long white socks and some blue heels!

 I just need to get them first.

Although it does look like I might end up being a naughty sailor (especially as I’m taking a rather large bottle of vodka with me!). Oh well!

Happy shopping!

Thursday, 4 February 2010

New hair, new hat.

Not a brilliant pic - it's actually extremely bright. I laaarve it.

A day of Jeremy Kyle and Quavers

It's another lazy day - I just cannot concentrate on work this week. I have another day off tomorrow (life is sweet) so I will probably try and focus then. Oh no, WAIT! Two of my bestest midget friends (they're just short and I'm nearly 6 ft) are coming home because of 'boy troubles'. I love girly nights - food, film and moaning about everything. What else do you need?

These booties are what else I needed (hehe). £18 reduced from £40 on sale from the New Look wesbite:

Another 'wonder of cheapness' that I've experienced this week were these Miss Sixty jeans for dun dun dunnnn £20! Ebay is the best way to shop, I tell ya'!

I think I'd make a great personal shopper - I'd save someone so much money! EMPLOY ME :D

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Lazy days are still shopping days.

Last night was the first girly sleepover I have had a in a while. Although, I don't do it American styley - we watch a film and sleep in separate rooms to avoid moodiness in the morning. The best way seeing as my friend Char did not awake until 1pm!

We've spent the day eating, as you do on a day off, and watching films. We've gone from Teachers, to quiche, to a Channel 4 documentary following a group of rich, middle class girls being douchebags, to 8 Mile and finally we are currently watching Red Dragon. I love how messed up this film is and I hope it doesn't ruin my appetite. Oh yeah, we also ordered Dominos. Mmm mmm!

Ebay was another part of my day and here is what I have purchased:

The blazer was 75p. I KID YOU NOT! All products are from River Island :D

Monday, 1 February 2010

The Library on a Monday morning.

The main reason I haven't got up to get out more books is because my dress is too short and everyone will see my arse.

And because we're having too much fun not doing anything:

Saturday, 30 January 2010

The results of a good day of shopping.

I love this outfit <3 Sales are my friend.

Friday, 29 January 2010

Can't stop shopping.

Instead of University work, Claire and I went into B-town and spent money we really don't have. We started in River Island and both found nothing. I lie - we found loads of wonderful things but none of these were on sale or cheap enough for us to justify buying.

So onto Topshop! Ahh, a beautiful wall screaming to us that there is a 'SALE'. Claire found a funky little playsuit for £7 - yes, £7 and I found a skirt that I have wanted for about 2 months that originally was £40 but because of the beautiful SALE I got it for £20:

 I agree that lace has been pretty over-done but this shirt is fantastic. It can be worn alone with a cute waistbelt or used as a kind of cardy. Plus I haven't actually seen anyone else wear it yet - especially in Luton. Haha.

Okay - so next we made a stop off in Primark. Great for random small items, especially the pretty pink scarf I bought for three quid :) Oooh, and this little dress for a fiver!

And this is what I wore :)

Is it obvious that I love to shop yet?!

Rain, rain go away. Come again... like never?

Good morning, world! I'd say 'beautiful' world but it'd friggin' raining.

I have not seen rain in absolutely AGES. Just snow... or sleet. I guess I've kind of missed rain - especially the smell of rain mixed with pavement. Mmm. However, today is one of my days off I would really have liked it to be sunny. I'm going shopping in B-town with my of my gal pals. SHORT-HAND LOL. I plan on hardly spending anything as we're going for the Pizza Hut £4 lunch time deal to save money and not put any extra flab onto our bottoms. I don't really see this happening though. I've got an eye on a cream Mac from New Look that's in the sale and with student discount I could get it fr £20. That doesn't sound too bad, right? WRONG. I don't have £20 to spare. For the next 8 weeks I have to live of £18 per miserable week. NO idea how this is going to work, but hey ho. It is all my fault, as usual!

Anywayyy, on a lighter note - check out these babies:

I've wanted a pair of Irregular Choice shoes for a while, but I've never been able to afford them. UNTIL LAST NIGHT, when I came up with the obvious but brilliant idea of searching for them on Ebay. I found a few pairs that I would die for but unfortunately they're all out of price range. These, however, are not and I want them. I will start a bid war with anyone who tries to beat me - which will result in spending money. Again.

Oh well. Live life. Shop!

Thursday, 28 January 2010

New, new , new!

Recently I seem to be going backwards in time. I just bought these beautiful pink DMs and now all I want is some new Converse. It feels like I'm 14 all over again. Maybe I have nostalgic issues!

Anyway, I've spent the day changing and tidying. I'm one of those freaks that finds cheap thrills from this type of thing. I've recently started purchasing academic books (it makes me feel smart) so I decided that I need a new book shelf. Only one problem - I am extremely broke! So, this is where Mother comes in! She has (well had) a pretty little deep mahogany book case in her bedroom AND a massive one downstairs, so I decided that I had the right to steal the little one. And I have :) I had so much fun arranging my books!

HOWEVER, I stupidly decided to put my pretty new bookcase in front of the only plug socket I have free for my straightners! So I had to move it AGAIN. Now all my books and dvds are next to each other and my room portrays a massive geek! It's all gooood.

The sun is shining, I have new shoes, I have a new book case and I'm watching my FRIENDS boxset whilst ignoring work. Life is sweeet.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Shoe-d I buy another pair?!

My 3rd new pair of shoes in the last week. Since I’ve bought them, there has been a 4th but I have not received them so there can be no picture yet. If I write down all the clothes and shoes I have bought in the last 3 weeks it becomes beautifully obvious why I am now poor. However, I have pretty shoes and I don’t give a crap.

Live life. Shop.


Eastwick: Charlie’s Angels/ Charmed with a hint of Sex and the City.