Thursday, 28 January 2010

New, new , new!

Recently I seem to be going backwards in time. I just bought these beautiful pink DMs and now all I want is some new Converse. It feels like I'm 14 all over again. Maybe I have nostalgic issues!

Anyway, I've spent the day changing and tidying. I'm one of those freaks that finds cheap thrills from this type of thing. I've recently started purchasing academic books (it makes me feel smart) so I decided that I need a new book shelf. Only one problem - I am extremely broke! So, this is where Mother comes in! She has (well had) a pretty little deep mahogany book case in her bedroom AND a massive one downstairs, so I decided that I had the right to steal the little one. And I have :) I had so much fun arranging my books!

HOWEVER, I stupidly decided to put my pretty new bookcase in front of the only plug socket I have free for my straightners! So I had to move it AGAIN. Now all my books and dvds are next to each other and my room portrays a massive geek! It's all gooood.

The sun is shining, I have new shoes, I have a new book case and I'm watching my FRIENDS boxset whilst ignoring work. Life is sweeet.

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